Monday, March 16, 2009
Understanding Student "Resistance"
A common faculty complaint is that students don't seem to want to become "engaged" in taking responsibility for their own learning or in going beyond the regurgitation/surface approach to learning. Sometimes, out of frustration, faculty focus mostly on those students who do seem internally motivated to learn, and merely go through the motions with those students that seem to approach learning in a surface manner. This can be seen as a great example of the Fundamental Attribution Error -- a well documented human cognitive bias. When we use the FAE, we tend to see a behavior -- student resistance to our stellar teaching methods -- and attribute that behavior to internal characteristics of the person, e.g. students are lazy (they don't want to work), students are irresponsible, etc. This helps us to not feel quite so frustrated and explains the behavior neatly. However, because the FAE is an ERROR, it is also an over-simplified and inaccurate understanding of student behavior. If we want to make progress in working with students and in helping them to actually become effective, lifelong learners, we need to go beyond the FAE and evaluate the environmental and social forces that are leading to their behavior.
Terry Doyle's new book gives some ideas of how to better understand student resistance to active teaching methods. One of his first points on why students are often unprepared to learn on their own is that students often do not do their assigned readings or other preparatory work because they believe that teachers will cover whatever material is important from those readings in class anyway -- to review ahead of time is just a waste of time. They do not understand the way the brain works, that building an original network of ideas makes it easier to understand later information and to integrate it with prior learning. Why don't they know how the brain works? Because we haven't explained it to them. There are many solutions to this particular problem, but any effective solution has to begin with explaining to students *why* what we ask them to do has learning value and to help them understand how their own brains work.
Doyle also notes that students don't tend to learn well on their own because they have had few opportunities to learn how to do this in their education so far. Their previous experience with "independent work" in high school generally has been highly structured and directed with surface outcomes attached to it (e.g. simple grade). These types of assignments, which they assume are the same as your assignments, do not challenge them to learn how to become truly independent and critical thinkers. We need to take the time in our courses, and in our curricula, to ensure that students develop the skills they need to actually become successful in active learning. Similarly, students often have never been taught how to read a text or journal article to extract information in a way that promotes memory and retention, how to take effective notes (rather than attempts at transcripts of a lecture), how to write true research papers, and especially how to work effectively with other students. Many faculty assume that students already have learned these skills earlier in their education or that they should have learned these skills. Such an attitude is a type of denial; it ignores the reality that students are often unprepared to learn effectively on their own when they show up in our classes, and keeps faculty from designing activities and strategies in their classroom to help our students learn to become independent lifelong learners. It is time for us to cope with OUR own resistance, see past the FAE, and reach out to students in ways that really make a difference.
Doyle, T. (2008). Helping Students Learn in a Learner-Centered Environment. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Helping Hand
Colleagues: Many of you know that we typically run 1-2 Learning Circles every semester. These are wonderful opportunities to share ideas with colleagues, to think evaluatively about our own teaching, and to learn things from other that help our students to learn. In fact, there is such a large and useful literature out there, that it is hard to narrow the list down for what to read. However, we have done our best! We have put up a poll on the left side of the blog and ask you for your input. Even if you are outside of UVU, feel free to tell us what you, as professionals and colleagues, would consider most useful. The other benefit of this process is that when you attend a Learning Circle regularly, you get to keep the book that is being discussed. It is a useful way to build your pedagogical library and lets you go back and use the book for references and to refresh your learning. Please give us your input! Here are some thumbnail sketches of the books we are looking at:
- Terry Doyle: a book about understanding student resistance to active learning and how to work with students
- Weimer: the classic book that lays out a coherent and integrated model of "Learner Centered Teaching" in a way that helps faculty to make practical use of it
- Tagg: a book that discusses the elements of the traditional Instructional Paradigm and the changes that need to occur if we are to move to a more effective Learning Paradigm
- Bransford et al: One of the best recent summaries of the science of the brain and how it relates to adult learning
- Brookfield: a book about the messiness of teaching and the core issues of the professor's relationship to students
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Personal and Learning Cost of Paradigms
I keep pondering the issue of the Instruction Paradigm versus the Learning Paradigm in Higher Education. In this vein, I was reading an article by Jane Tompkins, an English professor. She writes about her own movement away from the traditional teaching model in the classroom to a student-engaged model, but she made this change after a moment of personal epiphany, not because she was exposed to discussions about the Learning Paradigm. Tompkins describes, and discredits, the instruction or "knowledge transmission" model that has been heavily criticized. She states that few professors endorse such a model of teaching today. Then she notes, "But what we do have is something no less coercive, no less destructive of creativity and self-motivated learning", and she calls this the "performance model" (p.24).
Tompkins admits that she has, essentially, been lying to herself for years, telling herself that she had been concerned with helping students understand Melville or deconstruction when, in fact, she has been concerned all along with demonstrating to students her intelligence, her knowledge as an expert, and how well she is prepared for class. In other words, she has been performing for students so that they will have a good opinion of her rather than actually being concerned with helping them learn. She theorizes that she, like many academics, developed this intuitive approach partly due to organizational structure but also due to her childhood. She notes that most professors were good "performers" at home and at school growing up, imitating adult behaviors in order to receive praise and feel good. She posits that this emotional trajectory, a fear of disapproval, continues into our careers and shapes our desires for both peer and student approbation and shapes teaching behaviors. She also acknowledges that a fear of pedagogy was a powerful socializing force in graduate school where she learned to look down on schools of education as the "lowest of the low", the place where only those who couldn't really cut it in Higher Education were able to find a position. This bias against pedagogy and teaching theory began to hamper her, and she slowly came to realize it. "In this respect, teaching was exactly like sex to me -- something you weren't supposed to talk about or focus on in any way but that you were supposed to be able to do properly when the time came" (p.25). She then describes how she began changing her courses to shift responsibility for presenting course content to students and how this dramatically changed the energy level in the classroom, invigorated her own teaching, and led to gains in student learning. She concludes by noting that "what we do in the classroom is our politics" and that if we are, in actuality, focused on performance, then we are leaving a similar legacy in the minds of our students.
I found this article thought provoking and useful. I know that in my own teaching, I had to overcome my own pleasure at telling stories that I believe communicated important truths, that I had to learn to give up the stage, the performance, in order to put students on the stage so they could learn their own truths. In working with other faculty, they have shared similar stories, so I believe that Tompkins is onto something important here. At the same time, and she acknowledges this, her own story also points out the very real nature of the Instruction Paradigm. Part of the desire for approval is driven, in academics, by fears regarding contract renewal and tenure; part of the approbation we seek from peers is practical and tied to these issues which are part and parcel of the Instruction Paradigm College. Assistant professors worry about student ratings and for good reason; tenure committees in the past have made decisions largely based on student input, partly because there is usually no clear definition of effective teaching or effective measurements of student learning outcomes because the institution is focused on delivering instruction. There is a very real, a very practical, cost that is personal to all of us as faculty, and to our students in terms of lost opportunities for learning. The solution is to shift our focus from ourselves, away from performance, and to focus on how to help students learn, and how to organize our institution to accomplish that mission.
-- Anton Tolman
Tompkins, J. (Aug, 1991). Teaching Like It Matters. Lingua Franca, pp.24 - 27.
Tompkins admits that she has, essentially, been lying to herself for years, telling herself that she had been concerned with helping students understand Melville or deconstruction when, in fact, she has been concerned all along with demonstrating to students her intelligence, her knowledge as an expert, and how well she is prepared for class. In other words, she has been performing for students so that they will have a good opinion of her rather than actually being concerned with helping them learn. She theorizes that she, like many academics, developed this intuitive approach partly due to organizational structure but also due to her childhood. She notes that most professors were good "performers" at home and at school growing up, imitating adult behaviors in order to receive praise and feel good. She posits that this emotional trajectory, a fear of disapproval, continues into our careers and shapes our desires for both peer and student approbation and shapes teaching behaviors. She also acknowledges that a fear of pedagogy was a powerful socializing force in graduate school where she learned to look down on schools of education as the "lowest of the low", the place where only those who couldn't really cut it in Higher Education were able to find a position. This bias against pedagogy and teaching theory began to hamper her, and she slowly came to realize it. "In this respect, teaching was exactly like sex to me -- something you weren't supposed to talk about or focus on in any way but that you were supposed to be able to do properly when the time came" (p.25). She then describes how she began changing her courses to shift responsibility for presenting course content to students and how this dramatically changed the energy level in the classroom, invigorated her own teaching, and led to gains in student learning. She concludes by noting that "what we do in the classroom is our politics" and that if we are, in actuality, focused on performance, then we are leaving a similar legacy in the minds of our students.
I found this article thought provoking and useful. I know that in my own teaching, I had to overcome my own pleasure at telling stories that I believe communicated important truths, that I had to learn to give up the stage, the performance, in order to put students on the stage so they could learn their own truths. In working with other faculty, they have shared similar stories, so I believe that Tompkins is onto something important here. At the same time, and she acknowledges this, her own story also points out the very real nature of the Instruction Paradigm. Part of the desire for approval is driven, in academics, by fears regarding contract renewal and tenure; part of the approbation we seek from peers is practical and tied to these issues which are part and parcel of the Instruction Paradigm College. Assistant professors worry about student ratings and for good reason; tenure committees in the past have made decisions largely based on student input, partly because there is usually no clear definition of effective teaching or effective measurements of student learning outcomes because the institution is focused on delivering instruction. There is a very real, a very practical, cost that is personal to all of us as faculty, and to our students in terms of lost opportunities for learning. The solution is to shift our focus from ourselves, away from performance, and to focus on how to help students learn, and how to organize our institution to accomplish that mission.
-- Anton Tolman
Tompkins, J. (Aug, 1991). Teaching Like It Matters. Lingua Franca, pp.24 - 27.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Seeing the Invisible
It is an axiom of psychotherapy that the client cannot change something they are unaware of. If the client is not aware of their own motives, emotions, and thoughts, they have no clear "targets" that they can focus on to produce changes and improvements in their own lives. Put another way, the fish is unaware of the water because it surrounds them, has always been there, and is just a part of their environment, something they are unaware of.
Similarly, faculty are surrounded and immersed in what John Tagg (2003) calls an organizational paradigm -- the Instruction paradigm, to be precise. This paradigm has been around for a long time and has shaped the structure and function of our university and most universities and colleges across the country. We are so used to it that we think this is reality, instead of remembering that this structure, this way of thinking, was a deliberate artifact created by human beings. That means it can be changed. However, it is hard to change something when we are unaware of what it is or how it operates. Barr and Tagg (1995) and Tagg (2003) as well as others (e.g. Weimer, 2002) have described the impact of this Instruction Paradigm and how it pervades and shapes all aspects of how faculty work and how they interact with students. I will be writing more about this paradigm and the need to overthrow it in future blogs, but for now, let me give you a couple of examples taken from Tagg (2003).
1) The IP emerged when colleges were undergoing rapid growth and needed a national framework for transfer of credits and similar course design across the country. This led to the development of the standard credit = 1 hour of class time per week. Tagg then starts to describe the implications of this -- quoting Peter Ewell: "degree levels in this country have become almost exclusively defined in terms of the hours of classroom time required to complete them." Note that this definition has nothing to do with student learning; degrees are awarded mostly for sitting in a classroom and turning in assignments on time.
2) Although some faculty worry about UVU becoming a "corporate university", it has already happened and long ago. Tagg writes that colleges have come to be "factories for the production of full-time equivalent students, transcript-generating machines."
3) The core of the Instruction paradigm college is a view of teaching as the transmission of information from faculty to students. Biggs (1999) stated it this way: "Teaching rooms and media are specifically designed for one-way delivery. A teacher is the knowledgeable expert, the sage-on-the-stage, who expounds the information the students are to absorb and report back accurately, according to their ability, their motivation, even their ethnicity.....The curriculum is a list of content that, once expounded from the podium, have been 'covered'....The language is about what the teacher does, not what the student does...a quantitative way of thinking about learning and teaching."
If we are serious here at UVU about student engagement and student learning, then students, faculty, and administration all need to become more aware of the Instruction Paradigm so that we can see the invisible and work to counteract it.
Similarly, faculty are surrounded and immersed in what John Tagg (2003) calls an organizational paradigm -- the Instruction paradigm, to be precise. This paradigm has been around for a long time and has shaped the structure and function of our university and most universities and colleges across the country. We are so used to it that we think this is reality, instead of remembering that this structure, this way of thinking, was a deliberate artifact created by human beings. That means it can be changed. However, it is hard to change something when we are unaware of what it is or how it operates. Barr and Tagg (1995) and Tagg (2003) as well as others (e.g. Weimer, 2002) have described the impact of this Instruction Paradigm and how it pervades and shapes all aspects of how faculty work and how they interact with students. I will be writing more about this paradigm and the need to overthrow it in future blogs, but for now, let me give you a couple of examples taken from Tagg (2003).
1) The IP emerged when colleges were undergoing rapid growth and needed a national framework for transfer of credits and similar course design across the country. This led to the development of the standard credit = 1 hour of class time per week. Tagg then starts to describe the implications of this -- quoting Peter Ewell: "degree levels in this country have become almost exclusively defined in terms of the hours of classroom time required to complete them." Note that this definition has nothing to do with student learning; degrees are awarded mostly for sitting in a classroom and turning in assignments on time.
2) Although some faculty worry about UVU becoming a "corporate university", it has already happened and long ago. Tagg writes that colleges have come to be "factories for the production of full-time equivalent students, transcript-generating machines."
3) The core of the Instruction paradigm college is a view of teaching as the transmission of information from faculty to students. Biggs (1999) stated it this way: "Teaching rooms and media are specifically designed for one-way delivery. A teacher is the knowledgeable expert, the sage-on-the-stage, who expounds the information the students are to absorb and report back accurately, according to their ability, their motivation, even their ethnicity.....The curriculum is a list of content that, once expounded from the podium, have been 'covered'....The language is about what the teacher does, not what the student does...a quantitative way of thinking about learning and teaching."
If we are serious here at UVU about student engagement and student learning, then students, faculty, and administration all need to become more aware of the Instruction Paradigm so that we can see the invisible and work to counteract it.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A New Year and Exciting Opportunities
This month marks the beginning of several new things here at the Faculty Center for this coming Spring semester. To start with, our student SCOTs (Students Consulting on Teaching) are up and ready to begin working with faculty to give you some insights into how your class is perceived by those you helping to learn. Our new website should be up and running shortly and will be full of information and useful tips and ideas to help you with your teaching. We are also starting two new Learning Circles: Susan Madsen will be leading a discussion of the book The Courage to Teach and Anton Tolman will be leading a discussion of the book Developing Learner Centered Teaching. Although this last book is intended as a follow-up to last semester's discussion of Weimer's book, it is also open to anyone who is interested.
We are especially excited this semester because we will be co-hosting with the College of Science and Health a day-long workshop on POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning). UVU has top chances at seats, but on January 12th, it is open season, so sign up now! You can do that at
In addition, we will co-host with the Center for Engaged Learning, the first UVU Scholarship of Teaching and Engagement Conference on April 13-14 here on campus. We are looking for faculty to present posters or papers at that conference. Papers or posters should focus on theoretical developments or scholarly presentations concerning teaching theory or pedagogical methods and what you are learning about how to improve student learning. This is an incredible opportunity to share with each other on campus and improve our learning as well as to recognize innovative teaching happening right here among us. If you want to know more or want to submit a proposal, please contact Ursula at or Anton at
Last, we wanted to make you aware of some really great conferences on teaching that are coming up. Think about taking some time to go to one of these conferences and strengthening your contribution to UVU as an Engaged University!
We look forward to working with you this semester!
We are especially excited this semester because we will be co-hosting with the College of Science and Health a day-long workshop on POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning). UVU has top chances at seats, but on January 12th, it is open season, so sign up now! You can do that at
In addition, we will co-host with the Center for Engaged Learning, the first UVU Scholarship of Teaching and Engagement Conference on April 13-14 here on campus. We are looking for faculty to present posters or papers at that conference. Papers or posters should focus on theoretical developments or scholarly presentations concerning teaching theory or pedagogical methods and what you are learning about how to improve student learning. This is an incredible opportunity to share with each other on campus and improve our learning as well as to recognize innovative teaching happening right here among us. If you want to know more or want to submit a proposal, please contact Ursula at or Anton at
Last, we wanted to make you aware of some really great conferences on teaching that are coming up. Think about taking some time to go to one of these conferences and strengthening your contribution to UVU as an Engaged University!
- International Alliance of Teacher Scholars Conference (also known as Lilly West) will be held at Pomona, California on March 20-21. They are also still accepting proposals as of this time, I believe. You can learn more at:
- American Educational Research Association Conference will be April 13-17 in San Diego, California. Learn more at:
- The amazing Teaching Professor Conference is in Washington, DC on June 5-7. Learn more about the program at:
We look forward to working with you this semester!
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